Bulb Order Updates!
Current estimated shipping is late October.
Bc we do not have exact dates from some suppliers, we are unable to give an *exact* date. We actually request shipping MUCH earlier, but I swear this is just a big joke on me, bc they always show up in Oct (or later) no matter what month I request😆. And that’s OK! We’re all working w/ nature here🥰
We always keep the website updated w/ current estimated shipping. We’ve anticipated Oct since the beginning, so no major updates, but that’s always a good place to check. Once your order ships, you’ll receive a confirmation email w tracking info.
Another thing we anticipated was cancellations. This also happens every year, but this past year was one of the toughest seasons on record for bulb producers. We’ve been made aware of some cancellations & are working BTS w/ our amazing suppliers on promising substitutes.
If one or more of your items has been cancelled, you’ll receive an email from yours truly for sub or refund. Trust: I know how much of a bummer this can be!
I used to get really frustrated when this happened. Now, being on the other side, I know how gut wrenching this is, especially when growers have nurtured these plants for many seasons (much like we do our dahlia tubers). I no longer suspiciously assume that someone is sitting there evil laughing while cancelling my (or your) order. It sucks for everyone, but there are multiple humans working BTS to provide options.
Including me! I spend days researching subs. Many are NEW, amazing varieties that just haven’t been photographed by talented growers yet. New me tries to think of this as an opportunity :) So, if you have a cancellation, you can choose to try a new one w/ me, replace w/ another available variety, or take a refund. Whatever works best for you!
And um, the *really* good news?! Some of our fav varieties ARE happening, including some we have not been able to get for years (lookin’ at you Copper Image😍). We are prepping everything so that when the rest of their friends show up, we can get them to you ASAP. And we aim to get them to you ASAP bc we do not plant ours until you receive yours!
Cheers to spring🤗 ...